"Introducing a user-friendly intuitive app to monitor your financial health that encourages both a sense of responsibility and self-control. "
Budgeting apps are frequently too intricate for consumers to grasp at first, making them tough to utilize. Additionally, some users prefer to manually enter all data into the app since they don't fully trust the security of connecting their banks to apps. I interviewed four individuals that don't use budgeting applications yet prefer to manage their finances on their own and they provided me the following insights.
“Budgeting apps are too confusing to me. It has too many features and there’s too much stuff to do.”
- Interviewee 1
“I don’t want to connect my banks because I don’t feel safe doing that.”
- Interviewee 2
“I use my Notes app because it’s quick and accessible and I have most control.”
- Interviewee 3
“I don’t have the motivation to learn how to use apps and I don’t like having to link my bank information.”
- Interviewee 4
They want to be in complete control of their financial transactions so that information remained accurate at all times.
They express a lot of concerns about security and privacy when it comes to linking their bank accounts to the app.
They are discouraged from utilizing budgeting apps because of the steep learning curve involved.
I took a pretty direct approach when designing. I used the greatest features of the financial applications that are currently available on the platform as inspiration for my own design, improving upon the aspects of their designs that are known to be lacking.
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“I thought the icons were easy to understand and the flow through the app was good.”
The choice of words are easy to understand for beginners new to budgeting.”
"Transactions all in one place, even allows you to upload a receipt just to keep it in case you need to look back."
“Overall layout was not complex, especially for people that are beginning their budgeting journey.”
“I thought the icons were easy to understand and the flow through the app was good.”
“I like having the tabs/icons on the bottom for quick access to certain parts.”
“What is the difference between adding cash and adding transaction?“
"The delete option should be easier. Not everyone will know to slide, especially not those that aren’t tech savvy.”
"You want to make it all the same. This is something new that comes out of nowhere."
“I don’t like the inconsistency because it causes a lot of confusion.”
“The savings tab in the homepage didn't really make much sense to me.”
“You should include a liabilities tab to give accurate picture of financial health.”
I wasn't happy with how my high-fidelity wireframes appeared when I added color, text, and other elements. When viewed on a phone, everything appeared excessively large and outdated. I revamped my app by drawing influence from Google's Material Design, to give it a more modern appearance and feel while retaining all of its essential functions.
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To view the image in larger resolution, please click on it .
To view the image in larger resolution, please click on it .
I'm happy with the quality of work I was able to produce and throughout the process, I was able to gain a lot of understanding of the world of UX/UI. Experiencing the full UX process in action and learning about the industry's various approaches to problem solving and design was eye-opening and insightful.
What aspects of the design can be made better?
The next steps involve iterating continuously and carrying out additional usability testing with more participants to see what needs to be improved.
How can features be more noticeable and easily accessed?
Users prefer to take the quickest route feasible to complete tasks so there are some stages I can omit or combine to expedite and simplify the process.